菲律宾十大彩票平台’s reputation for academic excellence is driven by its faculty, which is ranked first in the nation for commitment to undergraduate teaching by U.S. 新闻 & 世界报道.
菲律宾十大彩票平台’s reputation for academic excellence is driven by its faculty, which is ranked first in the nation for commitment to undergraduate teaching by U.S. 新闻 & 世界报道.
Our 教授s are nationally respected scholars, scientists, and artists. 的y value curiosity, experimentation, teamwork, and collaboration. 你可以在课外和他们交谈, 在校园活动中与他们打成一片, 参加在他们家里举行的非正式聚会. 他们为你的成功投资, 对你的项目和目标感兴趣, 并邀请你参与他们的研究. 最重要的是, they’re as enthusiastic as you are about learning opportunities inside and outside of the classroom!
化学 教授 崔西Ferrett reminds students of the “deep power of asking questions.”
“保持好奇心,”她说. “培养你的好奇心. Let questions naturally bubble up in your brain and 把它们写下来! 的n take them to office hours and discuss them with your 教授.” She encourages her students to keep a running list of “questions for Trish.”
Some students want to clarify something from class or ask for advice on 如何 to tackle an assignment. But others ask broader questions that start with, “What if?或“为什么?”?” or “What’s the relationship between this and that?”
“Years ago an introductory chemistry student asked me, ‘What is the relationship between a molecule’s stability and its symmetry?’”费雷特说. “This was a deeply profound question and one I had never directly considered. Students in my courses ask me questions like this all the time. 我们接下来要做的是 总是 很有趣,它延伸了我们所有人. We learn more, we learn deeper, and we connect up our learning so it sticks.”
Studying music has evolved way past deconstructing symphonies. When you turn on the radio, you hear pieces of American 文化 — from oldies to current Top 40 hits. 的 美国音乐 课程让你了解历史是如何, 政治, 文学, 文化, 宗教, 社会公正也会影响流行音乐. You’ll also discover 如何 music influences each of these areas.
“摇滚, 蓝调, 民间, and film scores — music is exactly what we think students should be studying at a liberal arts college,音乐教授说。 安迪·弗洛里温度. “We take something they already like and know, and encourage them to think critically about it. 的n they take that new way of thinking and apply it to their papers and research. 结果总是很有趣.”
Flory has taught classes on the history of rock, jazz criticism, and the origin and legacy of Motown. He even teaches a lab, where students perform, record, mix, and master their own music. “Offering these courses is our way of sending the message, ‘We are willing to put time and effort into music that is meaningful to you,’”弗洛里说.
Many 菲律宾十大彩票平台 教授s combine their roles as scholar and teacher by bringing their research into the classroom. 这使学生接触新鲜事物, 新想法, and allows them to see firsthand 如何 ongoing scholarship works.
经济学 教授 票价下榻的饭店 introduces students to the relatively new field of happiness economics, 由经济学家理查德·伊斯特林发起. “Easterlin pointed out that although the income per capita of a number of European countries doubled over two decades following the end of World War II, the average level of self-reported life satisfaction hardly changed,Bhuiyan说. “Known as the Easterlin Paradox, this observation sparked off a plethora of empirical analyses. Some find income to be an important factor in happiness, 其他人则认为它不重要, and others find evidence for a ‘satiation point’ after which further income does not add to life satisfaction.”
Bhuiyan自己的研究让他做出了这样的假设 如何 we spend our money could impact our happiness as much as the 量 金钱本身. “Money spent on traveling, experiential goods, and charitable causes improves life satisfaction. 但是花在诸如房子等消费品上的钱, 汽车。, 而珠宝似乎也不太重要,他说. 阿马蒂亚·森(Amartya Sen)等多位诺贝尔奖得主, Angus Deaton, and Daniel Kahneman working on understanding happiness and the nation of Bhutan declaring the maximization of Gross National Happiness as its main objective, it is only a matter of time before we know what makes you happy.”
每学期一次, 心理学 教授 茱莉亚链 为她的研究生计划了一次特别的郊游. 例如, she held a brunch — with a side of pumpkin carving — at her Northfield home during a recent fall term. “当我们在实验室见面时, 我们的时间通常集中在完成工作上,她说。, “so social events give us a chance to get to know each other in more casual circumstances. 另外,这很有趣!”
Students get a chance to learn about Strand’s interests outside of class when they visit her at home. 例如, she made the paper sculptures that decorate her home by carving the pages of old books. 和, by examining the original blueprints for Strand’s 1895 home that hang on her dining room wall, students can discover something about Northfield history. “It’s fun to see what’s changed since then,” Strand says. Obviously, the servant’s quarters and wood box have been repurposed since the home’s construction.
斯特兰德提供甘薯玉米卷饼, 薯条和鳄梨酱, and pastries — with a side of fresh apples and caramel — for the brunch. “Students 总是 appreciate a home-cooked meal during term,她说。.